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Developers told not to cross the "Three Red Lines"

A recent series of reports by global financial services firms such as S&P Global and UBS have looked at debt in the property sector. The impetus for this review was because of some new policies the Chinese government released in late 2020 where they formulated guidelines for developers called “The Three Red Lines.”

Mall Landlords and tenants have diverged (2021)

Winter in northern China can seem a bit dark, cold and desolate. One way to survive the season is to meet friends for an outing in a climate-controlled shopping mall over a hot meal or a warm cup of coffee, but recently the scene inside a number of the city’s malls is nearly as bleak inside as the weather is outside.

Covid's Continuing impact on Real Estate

In their recent report “Emerging Trends in Real Estate – 2021 for United States and Canada” ULI and PWC highlighted ten major trends playing out thanks to Covid in the North American Market. I selected several of these to share that seem to also have relevance to the China market.

CBDs need cheap housing and food (November 2020)

I was recently leading a walking tour through the heart of a Tianjin CBD (Central Business District) and we left the major street and headed through a warren of alleys, built nearly a century ago. The purpose of the detour was to show my guests a neighborhood that had been built during Tianjin’s European colonial period, but also introduce them to an interesting, busy and functioning neighborhood full of small restaurants.

What makes an attractive business district? (October 2020)

Ernst and Young (EY) and Urban Land Institute (ULI) recently published an annual report “The Attractive of Global Business Districts” which has some timely lessons about what makes an attractive business district. 

Determining the Price of Real Estate (September 2020)

I was recently listening to economist Mike Munger talk about how people agreed on prices when they were exchanging goods or services and he made an interesting point.

Empty Buildings and NPLs (August 2020)

I have been struck recently by just how much empty real estate there is in the city. Some... 

How Construction Projects Boost the Economy (July 2020)

The Planned Chaos of a City (June 2020)

Malls Suffer as Anchors Shuttered (May 2020)

How Covid-19 is Making Us Re-think Our Lives (and Real Estate) (April 2020)

Cities in Crisis (March 2020)

Why Turnover Retail Rents Make Sense (February 2020)

Putting Empty Retail Space to Work (January 2020)

Urban Areas and Climate Change (December 2019)

The Impacts of Oversupply (November 2019)

The Magic of a Planned City (October 2019)

Pocket Parks (September 2019)

Activating Public Space (August 2019)

Industry Awards Highlight Real Estate Best Practice (July 2019)

How to Interpret City Rankings (June 2019)

How to Benchmark Your Real Estate Costs (May 2019)

How China's Property Tax Will Help Renters and First Time Home Buyers (April 2019)

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